• anchor  Pirate’s Cove After School Program anchor


    At this time, Pirate’s Cove can no longer accept new students. 


    Hours and Availability -
    Pirate’s Cove after school care will be available beginning at the time of school dismissal until 6:00pm daily.  If you are late for pick-up, the cost will be $3 per minute per child (FEE MUST BE PAID UPON PICK-UP). Three late pick-ups or more may result in dismissal from the program. During early release days, the program will run from 11:50a.m. - 6:00p.m. at no additional charge. Pirate’s Cove will not be open during school holidays or in the event of inclement weather.

    Parent/Guarding Pick Up

    Release of students will be allowed to the parent or other authorized persons listed on the Registration form. Students must be signed out by an authorized person at pick up daily. For the safety of your child, a valid photo ID will be required for pick up. The Director of Pirate’s Cove is to be notified in writing of any changes regarding pick-up procedures.


    There is an annual, non-refundable enrollment fee of $130 per child. For families with more than one child participating, the annual, non-refundable enrollment fee is $80 for each additional child. The enrollment fee includes $60 for registration ($10 for siblings) and $70 to cover the first week they start to attend. Enrollment fees are due when you complete registration.  

    Registration Links:

    Parents must create a SchoolPay account to register OR have the correct SchoolPay links to register. Links for the 2023-2024 school year will be emailed to parents via School Messenger on Friday, June 21st. Please visit to create an account and add student(s) to your account. Please contact Poole’s Mill Bookkeeper, Stephanie Moulton, f39271@forsyth.k12.ga.us for assistance or more information.    ()

    Weekly Tuition

    As you are reserving a space in Pirate’s Cove, please note the cost is $70 per child per week. Whether your child attends consistently or not, you are responsible for tuition payments. Tuition payments are due on Monday each week or the first school day of that week. Tuition is billed weekly through . You can choose to pay weekly, biweekly, or monthly by adding fees to your cart. You can also set up recurring, credit card payments by emailing the school bookkeeper, Stephanie Moulton at f39271@forsyth.k12.ga.us. A minimum of $70 must be paid each week to maintain enrollment. All payments for Pirate’s Cove must be made using . If you need help creating a SchoolPay account, please contact our bookkeeper at f39271@forsyth.k12.ga.us


    Please note that we DO allow devices, but Pirates Cove/Poole’s Mill is not responsible for them. Each child is responsible for their own belongings.


    A structured homework/reading time is allotted daily for all students. We will work with students to document their required daily 30 minutes of “home reading” if they bring a book and their log. In addition, it is the child’s responsibility to know if they have homework/reading to complete.


    Kindergarten and first graders PLEASE keep a change of clothes in their backpack. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and according to school regulations.


    Behavior Guidelines

    First offense: Warning and time out/Laps

    Second offense: Time out/Laps AND Discipline report filed

    Third offense: Suspended from the program for 1 week.

    Fourth offense: Dismissed from the program.

    Inappropriate language, cursing, aggression, fighting, talking back, and disrespect to instructors are all examples of behavior that is unacceptable and worthy of a discipline write up.