• What is an Elementary School Counselor?

    *A certified, specially trained professional educator

    *A special friend when a child needs someone to listen

    *A caring person who provides help and guidance to teachers, parents, students, and administrators

    *Someone who counsels with students both individually and in groups

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    A child may see the counselor for:

    *ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app and discussion of academic needs

    *Any problems that they may have that are impacting academic performance

    *Divorce or changing family issues

    *A loss of a family member or close friend


    *Decision-making and problem-solving skills

    *Improvement and aid in the development of positive self-esteem

    *Family concerns or fears 


    Virtual school counseling is a way to reach a diverse student set, to help students meet their potential and have an impact on their learning.  It allows for accessibility and permits social and emotional services/support regardless of physical location or potential need to self isolate.  However, there are limitations of online school counseling, some of which include a lack of physical proximity potentially resulting in difficulty processing body language and facial expressions i.e. learning to read social cues.  An additional limitation includes difficulty modeling prosocial physical interaction as well as the potential for technical/connectivity difficulties.  Despite these limitations, virtual school counseling can be very beneficial for students.  We are excited to make this support available to the Forsyth County school system’s virtual students.  If you have questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to your child’s school counselor.  We are here to help!!


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