• Welcome to the CMES PTO!


    Visit the PTO Website at


    As a parent or guardian of a student at Coal Mountain Elementary you are already a member of our PTO.

    Our Mission

    1) Develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement.

    2) Enhance the educational experience by supporting academic and

    enrichment projects

    3) Improve the environment at Coal Mountain Elementary by providing volunteer and financial support.

    Why should you become more involved?

    A two-year study found that formal involvement in parent school activities, including participating in the PTO and volunteering at school, had a stronger positive link to student literacy skills than any other variable. Another found that when parents are involved at school, students go further in school and the schools they go to are better.

    Additional research has shown that students with involved parents have better motivation and higher self-esteem, and they are less likely to use drugs and alcohol. The more that parents participate, the better their children perform. Parent involvement has important effects on schools, too. Strong parent involvement leads to better school facilities, better teacher and staff morale, better learning programs, and more resources overall. Happier, better-behaved kids getting better grades, scoring higher on tests, and improving their chances to go on to higher education.The power of parent involvement leads to schools with happier teachers, better facilities, and more resources.

    How do you become more involved?

    There are several opportunities to get involved in the PTO depending on your level of interest and availability, such as special events, committees or board positions. If you are interested in volunteering, contact any board member.


    CMES PTO Email: info@coalmountainpto.org