• School of Mechatronics & Energy 
    School of Mechatronics & Robotics
    Career Technical Student Organization: FTC, FRC, TSA

    Energy Systems Pathway - Energy is a diverse field with many job opportunities. There are many people who help generate energy, transport it and connect energy to the things we use every day. There are also individuals creating new methods of energy generation. Working in energy can mean working for utilities, for gas and oil companies, for government and research groups, for energy education or environmental regulation agencies, for nonprofit energy awareness and conservation organizations or for many other energy related agencies. Most of the electricity produced in the United States comes from non‐ renewable sources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas. Related jobs include power plant operators, power distributors and dispatchers, industrial machinery mechanics, reactor operators and engineers. Renewal Employment opportunities are promising for experienced workers and those just starting their careers. Occupations require varying levels of education, from work experience to college and advanced degrees. Most scientific and research related jobs usually require at least a bachelor’s degree. The energy industry as a whole is projected to experience growth in the coming years, particularly with the increase in infrastructure investment for renewable energy and clean energy generation, energy efficiency and Smart Grid technologies. The growth in demand for workers is attributed to the large number of projected retirements in the industry. With the emphasis on a green economy, occupations like energy auditors and energy engineers are considered new and emerging because of the vast change in their tasks, skills knowledge and credentials. Electrical power‐line Installers and repairers will enjoy increased growth from 10%‐19% between 2010 and 2020.


    Energy Systems course standards


    Energy   Simulator


    Mechatronics Pathway - Mechatronics is a diverse field. It encompasses many inter‐related disciplines including Electronics, Mechanics, Fluid Power, Electrical Control Systems, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Computers, and Robotics. Mechatronics is a term which includes the above disciplines and takes an integrated approach to their study. People employed in the mechatronics field deal with automated systems in a wide variety of applications. They also deal with related professional and technical support activities such as production planning and control, maintenance, and engineering. Mechatronics employers face recruitment difficulties because many potential employees do not possess the needed skills. With the advances in automation and robotics, some jobs have been eliminated, but there are more job opportunities for individuals that have advanced technical skills and higher levels of education. Employers need associates with good communication, technical skills, and problem solving skills. Industry‐wide competencies include safety, quality assurance, maintenance, installation and repair, operations and design, and development. Since new processes are increasingly automated, it is necessary that students acquire a broad range of technical skills to be competitive in the job market. There are a variety of job opportunities in mechatronics. Mechatronics can be utilized with companies that need or provide engineering, maintenance, technical support, and technical consulting. Mechatronic equipment and devices can be found in most modern industries, some of which are advanced manufacturing, processing, aviation, automotive, refining, logistics, and power generation.

    Mechatronics course standards


    Robotics   Robotics Competition