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24/25 Yearbook Class Application

Attention all 7th Grade students! If you are interested in applying for next year's Yearbook Class, please complete the application, below. Please be sure to submit the application on time.


Yearbook is a 3 quarter-long, connections class, and is offered to rising 8th grade students only, through an application process, with teacher recommendations. Most of the work is completed during the school day, however there may be occasional times when staff members will have to work on their page during power time, stay after school, or come in early to cover club activities and sporting events, for the yearbook. Please complete all portions of this application to the best of your ability. Apply Now! The deadline for all applications is on Wednesday, April 17th. The list of students who are accepted into the class will be posted on the VCMS website, under "Extracurricular/Yearbook," by Friday, May 10th. Please e-mail Mrs. Potts at, with any questions.  

