Email Address: vcmsattendance@forsyth.k12.ga.us
    Fax number: 770-667-2593 or 770-667-2589


    Forsyth County attendance policy states your student has 5 school days from the date of their absence to bring in, fax or email a note to: vcmsattendance@forsyth.k12.ga.us.  A phone call will not suffice as an excused absence.   

     A parent note stating that the absence is due to a medical appointment is marked as parent excused. The absence will only be marked as medically excused if a doctor’s note is submitted within 5 school days.  We encourage you, if at all possible, to schedule your student’s appointments outside of school hours.  

    Students are encouraged to visit the school nurse if they become ill during the school day. If the nurse determines that the student should go home, it will be counted as 'nurse excused'.  If the parent chooses to check out the student, it will be considered parent excused unless a doctor's note is submitted.  

    **Excused absences: illness; medical appointments; serious illness or death in the immediate family; court (with documentation) and officially recognized religious holidays.  Always submit a doctor's note if applicable. All notes must be received within 5 school days of the absence or it will remain unexcused.  

    **Unexcused absences: failure to bring in an excuse within 5 school days of the absence; missed bus; overslept; traffic/weather; car trouble; personal trip/ vacation; personal business; sporting event; religious retreat/celebration; non-school related activities/athletics.  


    Parents are responsible for monitoring the accuracy of your child’s attendance and notifying the school of any error within 2 weeks of that absence.

     Medical notes may be required when a student has accumulated a total of 10 or more parent excused and unexcused absences combined. Late check ins/early check outs, excused and unexcused, contribute to the cumulative total of absences from school.  (Absences marked as medical are not calculated in determining the total of excused and unexcused absences for the purpose of requiring medical notes for future absences.)   

    It is your child's responsibility to make up any work missed within 5 days upon their return to school, unless teacher permits additional time.  Parents and students are encouraged to access itsLearning or contact classmates and teachers for any missed assignments.   

    Students that are absent from school for the entire day or the last half of the day may not attend after-school events for that day. This includes practice sessions, games, performances, dances, club meetings etc.   

    At Vickery Creek Middle School, we agree with the research that attendance has a correlation to the achieved level your child’s educational success and we want that level to be maximized as reflected in our mission statement - "The relentless pursuit of the highest possible achievement for all.”


Last Modified on October 25, 2022