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We Love Families to Be Involved! Click Here for Ways!

We love our families to visit and volunteer!

Here are 9  ways you can be involved at the T!


1.  Lunch visitors are welcome after Labor Day.  Use this link to book your table:  


2.  Mrs. Wiggins would love help in the media center.  1 full day a week would be ideal for her!  Email if interested!  


3.  Nominate a staff member for our Staff Member of the Month Program!  It means the world to them!  Teacher of the month form-  


5.  Parent Advisory Council- Our families have an open invitation to join this council led by Meg Killingsworth.  We will meet 4 times per year and share information about the school.  We also ask for input from this council to make Chestatee even better.  Here are our dates: September 16, January 13, March 17, May 19.  Email Meg at  if you are interested in joining.


6.  We are looking for mentors- 30 minute commitment once a week with a child in need!  Make a difference in a child’s life!  Contact Robin Mitchell if interested at .


7. Our WatchDOG (Dads of Great Students) is an awesome program where positive role models come and spend the day with us!  From car line to the morning news to visiting classrooms, our guys will have a blast helping us at the school. Sign up here:


8. Car line help: Here are the themes for the year! Whether you like to wear costumes or not, you are invited to come one Friday and help us have some fun!  



9.  If you are interested in volunteering, reach out to your child’s teacher to find out class needs.  Volunteers will need to watch the mandated reporter video, sign the confidentiality form, and return it to the teacher or Meg Killingsworth in the front office.   You can access that here:
