
    English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a state funded instructional program for eligible English Language Learners (ELLs) in grades K-12 .
    The ESOL Program is a standards-based curriculum emphasizing social and academic language proficiency. The curriculum is based on the integration of the WIDA Consortium English Language Proficiency Standards with the Georgia Performance Standards.

    Welcome to Chestatee!  We would like to introduce the ESOL teachers at Chestatee for this year. Mrs. Emily Flack will be working with Kindergarten, first and second grades.  Mrs. Lori Faulkner will again work with third, fourth, and fifth grade. If you do not speak English, we will be happy to help you communicate with your child's teacher and answer questions you might have.  If you send a note in Spanish, someone will translate the information. While we are able to send some things home in Spanish, it is not possible to translate everything.   Please know that important dates and important school information will be translated.  If you do need to talk to someone in Spanish, please contact the following people who can help:


    Mrs. Emily Flack- Kindergarten, First, and Second grade 770-887-2341 ext.722305

    Mrs. Lori Faulkner- Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade-        770-887-2341 ext.722307
    En Espanol:
    ¡Bienvenido a Chestatee! Querríamos introducir los maestros de ESOL en Chestatee para este año. La Sra. Emily Flack trabajando con Kindergarten y la mayor parte de primero y segundo grado. La Sra. Lori Faulkner otra vez trabajará con tercer, cuarto y quinto grado. Si usted no habla inglés, seremos felices de ayudarlo a comunicar con el maestro de su niño y la respuesta le pregunta quizás tenga. Si usted envía una nota en español, alguien traducirá la información. Mientras podemos enviar algunas cosas en casa en español, no son posible traducir todo. Sepa por favor que las fechas importantes e información importante de escuela serán traducidos.