• Media Teacher

    School Phone: (770) 475-6670



Degrees and Certifications:

Greg, Orr

Midway is home for me. I went to school here from Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. I returned here in 1997 as a teacher. Over my 26 plus years here, I have taught students at every grade level as an English as a second language teacher, a fourth grade teacher, a fifth grade teacher, and a third grade teacher. This will be my sixth year serving as the Teacher Librarian.

  • Talking with your kids on a regular basis about what they are reading can positively affect their performance at school and create important family bonds. We invite you and your child to look at our school media center catalog together to discuss options or create a list of books to check out.

    Forsyth County Schools’ media centers provide resources that reflect all students within each school community. If you come across a book that does not match your family’s values and/or beliefs, and you would prefer that your child does not check that book out, please discuss it with your child.

    We are always happy to help you and your child to find just the right book. This is a partnership, and we are excited to work with you!