

    School Phone: (678) 341-6481


Phone: 321015


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Ben Jones - Principal

It is my honor to serve the community of Shiloh Point as your principal. Shiloh Point’s core values are centered on nurturing the mind, body, and spirit of our students and I look forward to supporting and encouraging these values. 

My background is rooted in education. As a lifelong learner, I have earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of Georgia, a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Kennesaw State University, and a Doctorate degree in Curriculum Studies from Georgia Southern University. My service to Forsyth County Schools spans 16 years. I have served as a middle-grade Social Studies teacher, a Quality Work Facilitator, and an assistant principal at Silver City ES and South Forsyth MS. Several of my passions are spending time with my amazing family, cheering on the Georgia Bulldog football team, and constantly learning through podcasts, blogs, books, and more. 

Pericles, the great Greek statesman, and orator are attributed with a quote that is a pillar of my educational philosophy. He said, “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” I look forward to getting to know all of our Shiloh Sharks as we diligently strive to make a positive impact on our world. 

Phone: 321022


Degrees and Certifications:

Laurie Rogowski - Assistant Principal

It has truly been an honor to serve the students, parents, and staff of Shiloh Point Elementary for the past four years.  Prior to becoming an Assistant Principal, I was an elementary teacher, a Literacy Coach, and an Instructional Lead Teacher.  I hold a Bachelor’s Degree from Eastern Connecticut State University, a Masters of Education in Reading from the University of West Georgia, an Educational Specialist in Early Childhood from Georgia State University, a Leadership add-on from Kennesaw State University, and am currently working on my Educational Doctorate in Leadership through Liberty University.  I have lived in Forsyth County with my husband, Dan and son, Michael since 2005.

As I begin my twenty-sixth year as an educator, I look forward to another year at Shiloh Point building relationships and supporting the vision and mission of this amazing school.  If I can ever be of assistance, please do not hesitate to reach to me.

 “The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” ~John Wooden



Degrees and Certifications:

Amanda Wickman - Assistant Principal

It is a great pleasure to serve the students, staff, parents, and the community of Shiloh Point Elementary as an Assistant Principal. 

As an educator, I have been given the opportunity to serve as an Instructional Coach, Instructional Technology Specialist, teacher of the gifted, and elementary teacher during my 25 years plus in Forsyth County Schools. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Newberry College, a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education, and a Leadership Add-on from the University of North Georgia, as well as an Educational Specialist Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Lincoln Memorial University. 

Empowering teachers and students to be all they can be and more, energizes me daily. When not at school, I enjoy listening to audiobooks and traveling with my family. Hiking the Great Wall of China has been the most memorable trip to date. I look forward to our exciting journey together this year.