• The Humanities Academy is geared towards students who excel in the areas of English, history and language. Consideration of any Academy usually comes with a great deal of research; therefore, here are responses to some frequently asked questions. Of course, should you have additional questions, feel free to contact Ms. Parisi. 

    Antonia Alberga-Parisi (Humanities Academy): aalberga-parisi@forsyth.k12.ga.us 

    I am really interested in all three academies! May I apply to all? 

    Absolutely! Students are free to apply to as many academies as they wish; however, they must ultimately decide on one academy to join. We love that students are passionate about multiple areas of study, but there is simply not enough room in schedules to support multiple academies. 

    Can I be in an Academy at FCHS while attending another school, such as Alliance? 

    No. Entrance and membership into one of FCHS’ academies require that students be fully enrolled at Forsyth Central High School.  

    If I am accepted into an Academy can I still be involved in extracurricular activities, such as acting or sports? 

    Of course! All academy students are encouraged to pursue their passions and interests as this will help them better connect to FCHS and enrich their high school experience. 

    Will I be able to fit a fine arts (such as band or drama) or other pathways in my schedule if I am enrolled in an Academy? 

    Yes (for the most part). We consistently work diligently to accommodate students’ requests for electives; however Academy courses will always take precedence over electives because they are specialized and limited in availability.  

    I have decided to enroll in The Humanities Academy; can I still take advanced math or science? Similarly, my friend has decided to enroll in STEM. Can she take honors English or AP Human Geography?  

    Yes! Students are free to take as many advanced courses as they wish. 

    I very much would like to apply to one of the Academies, but I am not districted for FCHS. Can I still apply? 

    Of course! All three of FCHS’ Academies are open to out-of-district students. Once students have been accepted, families must complete an out-of-district form (available on our website) by November 28th. Although FCHS accepts out-of-district students, we cannot provide transportation for them. 

    Can I just take those same classes and not be in an Academy? 

    For the most part the answer is yes; however, the Academies offer a cohorted experience that is different from stand-alone classes. Although most of the same courses may be taken outside of the academies, the course progression and content will vary. Each Academy is distinguished by its dedication to personalized learning.     

    What makes Humanities different?  

    The Humanities Academy practices project-based learning with a heavy focus on interdisciplinary teaching. By breaking down the walls that exist among the disciplines, students can see how subjects are connected and have a better, richer understanding of curriculum. The Humanities Academy is also “hands-on,” meaning that students will engage with a material through trips, guest speakers and publishing opportunities.