• Fall Spring Online

    Fill out the  if you wish to have an online course during your 8-period day at Lambert (FVA, GAVS, etc.) or if you intend to self pay for a class outside of your schedule. Please note the following:

    ·    You still need to be fully requested with face-to-face classes during the registration window.

    ·    Online courses in your 8 period day will be FVA unless FVA does not offer the course. 

    ·    If you request a FVA course, you need to

      • 1.)  Complete the 
      • 2.) Complete the 

    ·    If you request a GAVS course, you need to

      • 1.)  Complete the 
      • 2.) Request the course on the 
      • 3.) Complete the GAVS Intent to Participate Form (located in Infinite Campus Parent Portal under Documents/Forms) - Instructions can be found here.

    ·    If taking a summer class, do NOT register for the class that comes after the summer class. We will try to make that change after you submit passing summer transcripts, but completion of a course in the summer does not guarantee the next course in the sequence in a student’s schedule. To let Lambert know you are taking a summer class and plan to request the next level/a different course for next year, complete the Lambert Course Change Request Form.

    ·    IMPORTANT CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEARS: Online courses IN your LHS schedule will be scheduled at the beginning or end of the day, and students will be required to take the course from home and provide their own transportation to or from school at the appropriate time. Please only choose an online course if you have appropriate transportation.

    ·    January 22-29 is the priority window for online requests.


    *Please note: If your course request is denied, you did not meet the prerequisite or you are already taking the course through FVA. 

    *Please note: Students must register for the "A" and "B" of the GAVS year-long class to ensure they are able to enroll in both semesters of the course.

    A = 1 st semester

    B = 2 nd semester

    AB = both semesters taught in one semester (not recommended)

Last Modified on January 26, 2024