• Hello ! Welcome to Custodial Services!
    Name: Debbie Kelley
    Email Address: Dkelley@forsyth.k12.ga.us
    Phone number: (678) 965-5010 ext. 381274

    Custodial Services 

    Head Custodian Debbie Kelley and her crew are charged with the responsibility of keeping our state of the art facility beautiful and in prime operating condition. Our custodial crew provides invaluable support for our staff and students each and every day.

    On any given day, there are as many as 1,500 people coming through our facility. There are also numerous special events to prepare for in addition to the daily classroom activities. Our custodial crew is charged with the preparations for these special events. This behind the scenes support is critical for both our students and staff.

    In addition to event preparation, our custodial crew spends a great deal of time insuring that our facility is clean and sanitary. This includes the obvious, such as spilled milk in the cafeteria, to the not so obvious yet extremely important task of sanitizing our building on a daily basis so that our students and staff remain as healthy as possible.

    Custodial Staff

     Cafeteria  Gym  Media ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app