

    Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! We are the 5th largest district in Georgia, serving 55,000+ students representing 129 countries and 69 languages. In the past decade, we have grown 40%! We are home to 42 schools – 23 elementary, 11 middle, and 8 high. 

    ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app has the highest SAT score in the state and the highest graduation rate (96%), ACT score, and financial efficiency rating (5-out-of-5 stars) among metro Atlanta county districts and large districts in the state. These accomplishments are because we have excellent teachers and staff, hardworking students, and supportive parents/guardians and community business partners. 

    I look forward to meeting and talking with many of you during my visits to schools and events throughout the year. Thank you for your commitment to public education. Together we can keep Forsyth County Schools moving forward with a positive spirit to create a safe, connected, and thriving community for all!